Why should women do jiu-jitsu?

Jiu-Jitsu is an excellent sport for women! Not only can it be a great way to get fit and stay healthy, but it also builds confidence and teaches you how to protect yourself against an attacker. Here are some reasons why learning jiu-jitsu is a great choice for women:


As you train in Jiu-Jitsu, you will learn to trust yourself and your body. You will also learn how to respond effectively when someone is trying to harm you.

This can be helpful for women who want to feel more confident in their own skin, especially if they have been victims of abuse or sexual assault.

Jiu-Jitsu helps build confidence because it teaches people how to protect themselves from danger without relying on others for protection or support (such as police).


Learning jiu-jitsu will teach you to trust yourself and your ability to solve problems.

Self-defense is a great benefit of jiu-jitsu, but it's not the only one! Learning self-confidence and problem solving are both invaluable skills that can be used in all aspects of your life. You'll also gain an increased sense of independence when learning how to defend yourself against attacks or being able to escape from someone who has you pinned down on the ground--it's empowering!

Jiu-jitsu (and other martial arts) teaches you how to be more confident in your abilities, which helps with interpersonal relationships as well as professional ones too; knowing what moves work best for each situation will help reduce anxiety about making decisions because there are no right or wrong answers here--you just need enough knowledge so that whatever decision comes out feels good within yourself


When you practice Jiu-Jitsu, you are learning to take control of your own body. You are learning how to use it and how to react when someone else uses theirs against you. In this way, Jiu-Jitsu is empowering because it gives women the ability to fight back if they ever find themselves in an unsafe situation or being attacked by someone else.

Jiu-Jitsu also teaches us that we should never give up or let ourselves be controlled by others; instead, we should take control over our own lives and make decisions that benefit us most as individuals--even if those decisions go against what other people want from us or expect from us at any given time. If someone tries telling me what I can or cannot do with my life (or even just my body), then I'm going straight into their guard triangle choke!


You can challenge yourself with different moves that are appropriate for your experience level.

You can learn at your own pace, and work up to more difficult moves as you gain more skill. If something is too difficult for you now, but might seem doable in a few months or years, it's no problem! You can come back later and try again. Or if someone else tries something on you that seems impossible at first glance... well... we won't tell anyone if you ask for help!

Get fit.

Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to get fit without a lot of high impact movements. You can practice it anywhere and it doesn't require any equipment, which makes it especially convenient for people with injuries or limited mobility. The sport's slow pace will help you build muscle tone while also improving your cardiovascular health, meaning that you'll be able to burn calories even when you're not working out at the gym!

Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to get fit, have fun and feel empowered. It's also a good way for women to stay in shape without having to spend hours at the gym every week! In fact, Jiu-Jitsu can be as much about self-defense as it is about fitness or competition.

The sport has been around for centuries but has only recently become popular with women due to its emphasis on technique over brute strength (which is often favored by men). Because of this focus on technique rather than size and speed, it's no surprise that many smaller practitioners tend to excel at jiu jitsu competitions when compared against larger ones who might not have learned proper form early enough in their careers - especially if they were just trying out martial arts because they wanted something different than what their friends were doing!

Jiu-Jitsu is a great way to get fit, build confidence, and challenge yourself. It's also a sport that can be enjoyed by both men and women alike. If you're interested in learning more about Jiu Jitsu classes near you or would like us to come speak at your school please contact us today!


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